Reference: National Intelligence University Strategy Plan — Comments by Robert Steele

NIU Strategic Plan (2017-21) Thoughts on NIU Strategy Neither the IC nor NIU understand the full spectrum of threats, most of which are not military.  Top ten threats to humanity per LtGen Dr. Brent Scowcroft and High Level Panel are, in this order: poverty, infectuous disease, environmental degradation, inter-state conflict, civil war, genocide, other atrocities, …

Yoda: Media Hit Job on Mike Pompeo – Ignore Fact that Binney is Top Gun for Legal Signals Intelligence in Real World — Links to Reports Refuting IC Report on Russia

A conspiracy to discredit Mike Pompeo? All within two days, all with the same “conspiracy” theme? ORIGINAL STORY: Duncan Campbell and James Risen, “CIA Director Met Advocate of Disputed DNC Hack Theory — at Trump’s Request“, The Intercept, 7 November 2017. “…helps fuel one of the more bizarre conspiracy theories…” MEDIA HIT JOB CLEARLY ORCHESTRATED

Freedom Articles: 20 Ex-Intelligence Officers Honored for Confronting the US Military-Intelligence Complex

Includes list of 17 intelligence agencies or branches, and excellent write-ups on each of 20 individuals (19 US, 1 UK). A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 1   A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 2 List below …

Robert Steele & Cynthia McKinney: Former Representative and Intelligence Official Team Up to Unrig Elections

Former Representative and Intelligence Official Team Up to Unrig Elections by #UNRIG in Electoral Reform Sep 26, 2017 Independent Voter Network (IVN) God bless Bernie Sanders. God bless Donald Trump. God bless the 26% that voted for Hillary Clinton, and God bless the 47% that did not vote at all. Today, former US Rep. Cynthia …