Owl: “Smart Grid” is NSA on Steroids, Expensive, Instrusive, & A Major Health Hazard

Worse than NSA, plus Hazardous to Health & Home (Causes House Fires) This is one of the 2-3 most important and perhaps alarming articles (and well documented) I’ve referred to on this site in the last twelve months. An absolute must-read for anyone living in the US and all other western countries and owns a …

David Sabow: Reagan Administration with CIA / Cuban Exile Contras Complicit in Torture & Murder of DEA Field Officer Agent

Tosh, You are my hero! You have supported me of over twenty years. You are making it happen. You are as important to our country as any person in our history. You have discovered the treatment that can cure the cancer in our country. My brother Jimmy and I are alive and well, each in our unique …

SmartPlanet: Staggering Costs of Fukushima Clean Up (Never Mind Toxicity Blowing East) + Fukushima RECAP

The staggering costs to clean up Fukushima More than two years since the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, the Fukushima power plant meltdown is still a major, global environmental problem. And the staggering price tag for cleaning it up continues to rise. The Japanese government just announced that it’s borrowing about $30 billion more to …