Eagle: One Planet Ten Principles

We the People should be for this! The ten principles The ten One Planet principles provide a framework that allows us to examine the sustainability challenges we face and develop action plans to live and work within a fair share of the earth’s resources.

20120722 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall ARCHIVE OF DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ALL ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT THE BOOK: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-Steele THE PERSON: http://tinyurl.com/Steele2012 TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

20120709 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything #openall (Twitter Hashtag) 20120708 Open Source Everything Highlights Open Source Red Hat’s journey through the “land of the giants” CULTURE | Robert Steele Joins Hackers on Planet Earth Event Free/Libre/Open Source (FLOSS, FOSS F/OSS) Free CAD Software to Create CAD Designs: NanoCAD FSF Restricted Boot Campaign GNU y Software Libre: La filosofia …

John Steiner: Japan Going Nuke Free? Will US and China Follow?

Japan May Go Nuke-Free Tomorrow…But Will the US & China Follow? NukeFree.org, May 3, 2012 Japan’s one remaining operating reactor (of 54) may go dark tomorrow.  Japan would be nuke-free for the first time in a half-century. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is desperately trying to get Osaka’s Mayor to allow the Ohi nuke to stay open. …

John Robb: Occupy Resilience – Condemn the Regional Power Companies and Then Municipalize Them

Resilient Energy: Municipalization of Power How can you help your community build a resilient energy system?  One of the first steps is to buy back the energy system from the regional power company by condemning it and then municipalizing it (it can be run as a power co-op or as a standard company …  The …