2014 Intelligence Reform (All Others)

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/2014-Intel-Reform Under Construction – Send Nominations to robert.david.steele.vivas@gmail.com Updated 23 Jan 2014 14:58 E Phi Beta Iota: The current literature on intelligence reform is underdeveloped and under-specified.  An example of this under- or mis-specification can be seen in the treatment of 9/11. The dominant position that 9/11 was an intelligence failure is correct …

4th Media: Wayne Madsen – US Counterintelligence Locked Down to Protect Zionist Penetrations?

Wayne Madsen via 4th Media In an interview with the reactionary right-wing Fox News network, former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey said U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden «should be prosecuted for treason. If convicted by a jury of his peers, he should be hanged by his neck until he is dead». Woolsey, …

2014 Rethinking National Intelligence — Seven False Premises Blocking Intelligence Reform

Is this the year in which populism defeats the two-party system, when the US stops borrowing to finance waste, and when the NSA debacle outrages the American people to the point that they call for a radical overhaul of the government? – DOC (12 Pages): Rethinking Intelligence 2.3 This post is available for complete re-posting …

Jim Dean: Zionist Penetration of US Academia — Boycott by ASA, Counter-Attack, Need for Religious Counterintelligence Most Urgent

Academic Zionist agents in US go public It seems that the American Studies Association’s (ASA) boycott resolution vote has rattled the Zionist cages. They have proved that Veterans Today was right with our claim that academic espionage was one of the key areas where Israeli intelligence has invested major resources for a long time. The …

Mini-Me: Cognitive Dissonance at NSA + NSA High Crimes RECAP + Integrity Remediation

Huh? Do You Trust the Washington Post‘s Sources on Morale at the NSA? Former officials insist that employees are upset because President Obama hasn’t visited to show his support. Conor Friedersdorf Reuters via The Atlantic, Dec 10 2013, 8:20 AM ET A strange Washington Post story gives readers the impression that morale is low at …

Yale The Politic: The Intelligence Gathering Conundrum + Toxic Secrecy RECAP

SHORT URL This Post: http://tinyurl.com/Steele4Yale The Politic Introducing The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Politics The Intelligence Gathering Conundrum As distrust of the U.S. abounds, reliable intelligence is more difficult to procure. By Zachary Mohriing “Snowden and Manning fucked us. Who would want to work with us?” asked one former CIA officer.  Edward Snowden and Bradley …