Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots

There are differences between “learning” and “education,” but hopefully more people can be inspired to blur the two further than we currently see happening. Open Courseware, Audio and Video: Open Courseware Consortium M.I.T. Open Courseware M.I.T. open courseware YouTube channel List of courses by subject (May 2007) The University of Chicago on iTunes U, University …

Review: Rethink–A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation

It’s About Context, Business Ecosystems, and IT Impact September 18, 2010 Ric Merrifield I bought this book on the recommendation of a colleague whom I have known for twenty years, both of us members of the Silicon Valley Hackers Conference started by Stewart Brand and now managed by Glen Tenney. When I came to buy …

Search: osint

Searching for osint on this web site is like searching for Steele as an author among all the other authors–the entire site lines up.  However, since 4-6 people do this search daily, we’ve decided to give them an easy first hit. OSS.Net, Inc. Basic Reference of Links 2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2008 Open Source …

Review: Secret History–The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954

Phenomenal “Primary” Source Relevant Today July 26, 2010 Nick Cullather This is the original, Stanford has also just produced a new version, Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala 1952-1954. I bought this used and not only loved the speed of delivery, but the notes from the previous owner. My next …

Journal: William Polk on Afghanistan Non-Strategy Plus Consolidated Journal, Review, and Reference Links for Afghanistan

William R. Polk recently sent out the attached letter to his distribution list.  It is a very comprehensive and I believe important review of Afghanistan.  I urge you to take the time to read it.  Appended to the end are a series of notes he used in the construction of his letter.   Polk know …

Journal: Keystone Cops on Earth and Space Data Sharing

UN-SPIDER (“United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response”) aims at providing universal access to all types of space-based information and services relevant to disaster management by: being a gateway to space information for disaster management support; serving as a bridge to connect the disaster management and space communities; and being …

Journal: ClimateGate 20 December 2009 Afternoon

Global Warming as Groupthink The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s process institutionalizes groupthink on a global scale. Follow the money in global warming hoax On the money game, he has stated, “They give an endless amount of money to the side which agrees with the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). … If you …