Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II

Original Post with William Drayton, Alexandere Carpenter, and Robert Steele:  Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II–Alexander Carpenter (AC), the Founding Fathers, and Modern Seers Journal: Get America Working-A Conversation If you do nothing else, please consider reviewing the many contributions by Tom Atlee via the first line in Part IV: Related Recommended Reading, Atlee …

Breeding Monsters: Forcing Living Systems to Conform to Our Tech Instead of Our Tech Conforming to Living Systems

Film/documentary: Monster Salmon and Butterflies We already eat GM crops and now GM Salmon, which grow faster and larger than ordinary Salmon, are soon to come onto the market. But does anyone know what effect they will have on us and our environment? This fascinating documentary follows the few independent researchers of genetic engineering as …

Reference: On WikiLeaks and Government Secrecy + RECAP on Secrecy as Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

People are more likely to lie, exaggerate and distort when they know they won’t be held accountable for what they said, and people like to say what their interlocutors want to hear, says Jordan Stancil. Jordan Stancil Jordan Stancil is a lecturer in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs of the University of …

Reference: Saving Defense from Itself

Weekend Edition November 19 – 21, 2010 Open Letter to Erskine Bowles How to Cut the Defense Budget By THOMAS CHRISTIE, PIERRE SPREY, FRANKLIN SPINNEY et al. Counterpunch The Honorable Erskine Bowles National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20504 Dear Mr. Bowles: We are writing to you and …

My Talk With Tom Atlee: Primer on Citizen Intelligence

Robert David Steele Serial pioneer, hacking humanity. – – – – – – – Posted: October 19, 2010 09:13 AM My Talk With Tom Atlee: Primer on Citizen Intelligence Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and do Comments. On the left, asking these questions, Tom Atlee, co-founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute and author …