Journal: Military Pay and Benefits–Three Solutions

As I See It — Fighting the Budget Shrug 2010/10/15 By Col. Steve Strobridge, USAF-Ret. A recent article in Christian Science Monitor on military health care costs identified, in microcosm, the battle we face in the coming years in defending the military community’s sunk investment in its future. After citing all DoD’s arguments that it’s …

Worth a Look: A Plan to Dump Congress in 2012

————————– Re-Inventing Democracy ————————– Take a stand.  Find allies.  Build winning voting blocs.  Get Control of Government. 2012: How U.S. Voters Can Wrest Control of Congress from Special Interests (Revised 09.29.10) The electorate’s dissatisfaction with the nation’s lawmakers has reached a critical stage. A majority of U.S. voters want to see most elected representatives in Congress defeated because they favor …

Journal: America Delibertely Uninformed & Proud of It…

Deliberately uninformed, relentlessly so [a rant] Many people in the United States purchase one or fewer books every year. Many of those people have seen every single episode of American Idol. There is clearly a correlation here. Access to knowledge, for the first time in history, is largely unimpeded for the middle class. Without effort …