Event: 16 JAN 14, 1830-2030, National Press Club DC, Jim Bamford on NSA

Speech on the NSA at the National Press Club by James Bamford The Committee for the Republic Thursday, January 16, 2014 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (EST) National Press Club, DC Event Brite Free Registration See Also: Steven Levy: 2 Hours with NSA Chiefs — They Are a) Suffering Cognitive Dissonance and b) Seriously …

Owl: “Smart Grid” is NSA on Steroids, Expensive, Instrusive, & A Major Health Hazard

Worse than NSA, plus Hazardous to Health & Home (Causes House Fires) This is one of the 2-3 most important and perhaps alarming articles (and well documented) I’ve referred to on this site in the last twelve months. An absolute must-read for anyone living in the US and all other western countries and owns a …

Chuck Spinney: NSA Can’t Make Sense? I Am Shocked, Simply Shocked…

… the quite predictable case of data overload and why the most serious 4th Amendment breach relates to the statistical problem of ‘data culling’ algorithms* generating large numbers of “false positives” and thereby wiping out the principle of “probable cause.” NSA Can’t Make Sense of Masses of Culled Data Too Much Useless Data, Warns Former …

Penguin: NSA Paid RSA for an Embedded Back Door Into Products Sold — Time to Indict Hayden & Alexander — and File RICO Charges Against RSA

Can you spell treason? How about racketeering? This would seem to call for the indictment, conviction, and loss of pensions for the top NSA deciders, and enough RICO lawsuits to put RSA out of business.  Shame! Exclusive: Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer EXTRACT: Documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden show …