Chuck Spinney: Progressives Argue Over Defeating Obama – a Conversation on Email

Most of my liberal friends reluctantly support President Obama’s re-election, because the alternative is so much worse.  Invariably, they invoke the effects of a Romney presidency on judicial appointments, especially those to the Supreme Court (ironically, Obama’s two appointees just voted with the majority to decline to hear the Guantanamo case, if effect, putting another …

Berto Jongman: Reference on Public Health Approach to Internet Security

Report Release: What Internet Security Can Gain From a Public Health Approach NEW YORK, June 4, 2012 – The Internet puts people, systems, and networks in constant contact worldwide, and it needs a global, coordinated effort to protect digital systems from online threats-just like the public health community’s efforts to defend our bodies from illness. …

Marcus Aurelius: Jennifer Sims Party Line on Military Clandestine Service with Robert Steele Comment + RECAP

Here we go again…. Why the CIA Is Applauding the Pentagon’s Intelligence Grab Jennifer Sims Foreign Affairs, May 18, 2012 Last month, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced the creation of a new U.S. espionage agency: the Defense Clandestine Service, or DCS. DCS is expected to expand the …

Penguin: Cataloging Wounds of War to Help Heal Them — Not Big Data, Not Small Data, But Rather Integrated “Smart” Data

Cataloging Wounds of War to Help Heal Them By C. J. CHIVERS New York Times,  May 17, 2012 FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — To those unfamiliar with a battlefield’s bleak routine, Col. Michael D. Wirt’s database could be read like a catalog of horrors. In it, more than 500 American soldiers are subjected to characteristic forms …

Michel Bauwens: Is Open Source Hardware Creating an Open World?

Is open hardware creating a more open world? Feature | April 25, 2012 | By Adrian Giordani international science grid this week Just as retro ideas from a bygone era can inspire modern fashion, film, and TV trends, today’s researchers are being empowered by the revival of an innovative technology concept from the past: open-source …

Yoda: When Intelligence Loses It’s Integrity, It Is Not Intelligence

Peak Intel: How So-Called Strategic Intelligence Actually Makes Us Dumber An industry that once told hard truths to corporate and government clients now mostly just tells them what they want to hear, making it harder for us all to adapt to a changing world — and that’s why I’m leaving it. Eric Garland The Atlantic, …