Wayne Madsen: More Evidence ISIS is a US Creature

Manufactured Terrorism: Uncle Sam’s Support for Terrorism Laid Bare …the fact that the Obama administration has been consorting with terrorist allies of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and other countries has received little to no coverage in the American media.

Robert Steele: Proposal for a Nordic Interagency Intelligence Conference and Centre (Peace Intelligence Initiative)

Proposal for a Nordic Interagency Intelligence Conference and Centre A Peace Intelligence Initiative Introduction At the conclusion of the recent one-day conference on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) hosted by the Royal Danish Defence College, a Danish military officer stood up and suggested that the time had come for a Nordic interagency working group on OSINT. …

Ray McGovern: Clinton Lied to Congress — Is Indictment Certain?

A Need to Clear Up Clinton Questions As the Democrats glumly line up for Hillary Clinton’s belated coronation, the risk remains of potential criminal charges over her Libyan testimony or her careless emails, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern describes. From what is already known about the activities of the U.S. “mission” and “annex” in Benghazi …

Robert Steele: Peace Intelligence Biography, Graphics, & Selected Works

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Peace-Intel Robert David Steele is a champion for Peace Intelligence who has sought since 1988 to redirect the craft of intelligence (decision-support) away from spies and secrecy enabling war and waste, toward open sources and methods favorable to peace and prosperity. Most recently he has lectured in Denmark and Norway on the need …

Jan H. Kalvik: Robert Steele’s Trip Report: Oslo & Copenhagen

Robert Steele’s Trip Report: Oslo & Copenhagen Editor’s Note: Previously published here at Defence and Intelligence Norway are Introducing Robert David Steele (1 April 2016) and Steele Goes Nordic (12 April 2016). On 17-18 April in Oslo I participated in three meetings;  the first a dinner including a Colonel, the second with the editor of …

Wayne Madsen: Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Was Front End for a Private Foreign Policy/Intelligence Operation

Posted in full with permission of the author. April 1-2, 2016 — Clinton’s private email network part of private foreign policy/intelligence operation A mere cursory glance at some of Hillary Clinton’s emails yields what can only be described as a private foreign policy and intelligence operation. The operation involved Secretary of State Clinton, her personal …