2007 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2.0

Now that everyone is paying attention, this is being posted in full text online in support of a larger M4IS2 / OSE dialog. Document:  Strategic OSINT (Chapter 6 in Strataegic Intelligence Vol 2) 10 MB Links added below throughout, updated where appropriate. See Also: 21st Century Intelligence Core References 2.0 Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Robert …

Reference (2012): Expectations of Intelligence in the Information Age, Review by Steele, Wright, Anon & New Link 3.0

UPDATE: 1 January 2013 from Spanish Dancer: What is most striking to me, and to a few others I have spoken to recently, is the SECDEF quote early in the paper.  If we follow its premise it puts anyone who opposes our projection of power in the cross hairs.  It is this doctrinal fluff that …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter Issue 55

Free Software Supporter Issue 55, October 2012 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 63,183 other activists. That’s 1,414 more than last month! View this issue online here: http://www.fsf.org/free-software-supporter/2012/october El Free Software Supporter estará disponible en castellano a partir de …

Dolphin: Earthquakes and Humans, Good, Bad, & Really Stupid

These pieces swim together nicely. SPAIN: Scientists Link Deadly Earthquake To Drilling Wells Farmers drilling ever deeper wells over decades to water their crops likely contributed to a deadly earthquake in southern Spain last year, a new study suggests. The findings may add to concerns about the effects of new energy extraction and waste disposal …