Indonesia’s Urban Open Farmville

Global News Blog Indonesia’s real-life Farmville Rising food prices are galvanizing Jakarta’s urban farming movement. By Sara Schonhardt, Correspondent / April 22, 2011 Jakarta, Indonesia • A local, slice-of-life story from a Monitor correspondent. Jakarta’s urban gardening scene got started with a simple tweet: “Who wants to start urban farming?” After that first Twitter message in …

OpenBTS Egypt — Need to Flesh Out OpenBTS USA

OpenBTS Egypt simplifing the GSM network architecture Worth a look. Activists and concerned citizens in the USA should be ramping up ham radio as well as OpenBTS and OpenMoney.  Facebook credits might be an intermediate solution.  As we saw in relation to Wikileaks with Amazon, MasterCard, and PayPal, corporations cannot be trusted to honor their …

Journal: Corporate Hijacking of Cyber-Space

OPINION DECEMBER 19, 2010 The FCC’s Threat to Internet Freedom ‘Net neutrality’ sounds nice, but the Web is working fine now. The new rules will inhibit investment, deter innovation and create a billable-hours bonanza for lawyers. By ROBERT M. MCDOWELL WS Tomorrow morning the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will mark the winter solstice by taking …