Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Cloud Filmmaking Craig Venter on Synthetic Biology at NASA Ames GWOT Body Counts Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War Abroad (Counterpunch) Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War Abroad (Book) Remote Viewing the Future Rethinking Social Networking Stuxnet on the Loose (Counterpunch) The Internet, IPv6 and a World of Abundance

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

ANIMATION on the Educational System Attack on Iran a Bad Idea AUDIO:  Prevention of Nuclear Terorrism Beware of Imitators: Al-Qa`ida through the Lens of its Confidential Secretary Book: Little America – the War Within the War for Afghanistan Book: Rethinking the British Counterinsurgency BOOK REVIEW: David Sanger’s Confront & Conceal International Cooperation on Cyber-Security NCTC …

Berto Jongman: Reference on Public Health Approach to Internet Security

Report Release: What Internet Security Can Gain From a Public Health Approach NEW YORK, June 4, 2012 – The Internet puts people, systems, and networks in constant contact worldwide, and it needs a global, coordinated effort to protect digital systems from online threats-just like the public health community’s efforts to defend our bodies from illness. …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Computational Perspectives on the Structure and Information Flows in Online Networks Conference About Conferences Israeli Compilation of Iranian Declarations Against Israel Saving Syria Assessing Options for Regime Change Terrorism Crime Nexus Which Path to Persia – Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Anonymous Book – The Secret Lives of Dangerous Hackers Bedouin Uprising Cheat Sheet: Behind The U.S. Cyberattacks on Iran Conscious Leadership for Sustainability Earth 2062: An Optimistic Outline ELECTRICITY SUBSECTOR CYBERSECURITY CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL (MAY 2012) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Drones FBI: New Internet addresses could hinder police investigations Genocide Forecasting Going Rogue: …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Atomic Bomb of Cyberspace (US Leak that It Did Stuxnet) Phi Beta Iota:  Disinformation.  Israeli’s did it, US has no clue.  A political move, David Axelrod being the most likely source of the insane guidance to let this disinformation “leak.” Bilderberg Image of Dense Connections BOOK: Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050 …