Reference: National Intelligence University Strategy Plan — Comments by Robert Steele

NIU Strategic Plan (2017-21) Thoughts on NIU Strategy Neither the IC nor NIU understand the full spectrum of threats, most of which are not military.  Top ten threats to humanity per LtGen Dr. Brent Scowcroft and High Level Panel are, in this order: poverty, infectuous disease, environmental degradation, inter-state conflict, civil war, genocide, other atrocities, …

Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part II – Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations

Steele, Robert. Reinventing the US Army Part II – Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Press, Projected Publication 2017. Part II in the Reinventing the US Army monograph series. Robert David Steele DOC (37 Pages): EIN 7FV42 ERAP Steele Vol 2 Global Reality …

ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Brandi Sling (P) on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On…

ANSWERS: Robert Steele on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On… My seven questions (with sub-sets) are as follows:     On March 6, 2015, the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, announced a major restructuring of the CIA by converting the directorates of Operations, Analysis, Support, and Science and Technology, as well as the …

Robert Steele: The Orlando Mass Casualty Event A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?

Short URL This Page: NEW 8 July 2016: Updated to include 70 anomalies documented with links, and add copy of letter to Director of the FBI as certified delivered by the US Postal Service. The updated version with 166 notes is below the fold. HOME PAGE: The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag …

Sepp Hasslberger: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) with Comments from Phi Beta Iota Editors

This is about de-centralising the net, distributing the data to the periphery where it’s needed, rather than running everything through big data pipes and central servers… HTTP is obsolete. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web HTTP is broken. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia …

Robert Steele: Eric Schmidt is a Moron [Under His Rules, This Post Would Be Censored]

Google’s Eric Schmidt calls for ‘spell-checkers for hate and harassment’ Google’s Eric Schmidt has called on the technology industry to put its collective intelligence behind tackling terrorism on the internet, by building “spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment”. NOTE: It is very likely The Guardian will delete the below comments as made publicly there. This …