Google's Eric Schmidt calls for ‘spell-checkers for hate and harassment'
Google’s Eric Schmidt has called on the technology industry to put its collective intelligence behind tackling terrorism on the internet, by building “spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment”.
NOTE: It is very likely The Guardian will delete the below comments as made publicly there. This will tell us all we need to know about Zionist control of UK media being as strong as Zionist control of US media where not a single publication (or politician) focused on the Messianic Jew whose hateful comments probably triggered the shooting. Ethics at all levels, and education at all levels, are the only sustainable path toward a prosperous world at peace. Control such as Schmidt suggests is stupid, short-sighted, and will be counter-productive.

ROBERT STEELE: Schmidt is a smart man. He is also a Zionist. I have seen the global strategy that Israel is pursuing, in which they strive to bribe legislators into passing laws that make any critical reference to Israel and its atrocities against the Palestinians, or calls for a boycott, a “hate crime.” They have succeeded in Canada and may succeed in France.
They will not succed in the USA, although I am concerned by the number of dual citizen traitors we have who place the interests of a foreign power above that of their own country. I notice with interest that only the Jerusalem Post published information about the Messianic Jew who posted hateful messages that could have triggered the ignorant Muslim into attacking. What Schmidt and his 1% colleagues fail to understand is that we have gutted public education and the public good. I bought Vint Cerf sushi before he went to the dark side, and I begged of him to focus Google on making sense rather than exploiting its stolen search engine from Yahoo. Corrupt governments have sacrificed their publics to legalized crime by the City of London and Wall Street. I will end on a positive note: Lady Lynn Rothchild nailed it with her conference in May 2014 on “Inclusive Capitalism,” as have my Black Sheep Billionaire colleagues with their concept for “Redemptive Capitalism.” All code for “stop the pitchforks.” The one unlimited resource we have is the brains of the five billion poor — there is in the UK a genius named Robert James Beckett, we have been talking about the age of virtue (ethics and truth) being the follow on to the age of (unprocessed) information. In my view, Eric Schmidt — a brilliant man — has done great evil with Google, and there is a need to have a much more intelligent and ethical conversation about the crimes against humanity that are causing the public to lose its mind.
Afterthought: I have also noticed with great interest how the Zionists are using spam lists to falsely report critics of Israel as spammers, such that they are blocked. This is an extra-judicial digital assassination of a person's freedom of speech, and appears to have been tested and implemented in the USA with great success. There is no defense against such a digital assassination at this time, in part because the US Government has refused to be serious about understanding and regulating computational algorithms including those used in flash trading by the financial community.

ADDENDUM: Here to the side the chart of preconditions of revolution that exist in the US, the UK, and much of the West. Until these preconditions are addressed, people will continue to lose hope, experience cognitive dissonance, succumb to road rage, and generally lose their minds and from time to time kill each other. We are like rats over-crowded in the aquarium, we are going to start eating each other. Elements of the 1%, as I note in my original post, are starting to figure this out. Just as the extreme wealthy in NYC discovered that infectious diseases leap wealth boundaries, a small segment of the 1% — quite thankfully including Lynn Rothchild from New Jersey, are starting to think. They need to listen to the loyal dissidents, and be more aggressive about remediation. A fraction of the money that Bill Gates has blown on vaccines and that Mark Zuckerberg is about to blow on a tax dodge would create a prosperous world at peace.