Patrick Meier: Verily: Crowdsourcing Evidence During Disasters

Verily: Crowdsourcing Evidence During Disasters Social media is increasingly used for communicating during crises. This rise in Big (Crisis) Data means that finding the proverbial needle in the growing haystack of information is becoming a major challenge. Social media use during Hurricane Sandy produced a “haystack” of half-a-million Instagram photos and 20 million tweets. But which …

Rickard Falkvinge: Swarmwise – Tactical Manual for Changing the World – Chapter One

Swarmwise – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World. Chapter One. Swarm Management:  Somewhere today, a loose-knit group of activists who are having fun is dropkicking a rich, established organization so hard they are making heads spin. Rich and resourceful organizations are used to living by the golden rule – “those with the gold make …

Stuart Umpleby: US Making Strategic Mistake in Science and Management Education — Robert Steele Connects to OSA, OSE, & M4IS2

RM 130212  Cybernetics Management and Security Policy I think the U.S. may be on the verge of making an important strategic mistake in science and in management education.  Here are three stories to illustrate the historical background. 1.  The Macy Foundation conferences in 1948-1953 led to founding the field of cybernetics.  See  The Am. …

2013 Robert Steele on Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency — and Integrity; Dicho Sobre la Curacion de las Américas con una Agencia de Todo Abierto – y la Integridad 1.7

BRIEFING (PPT) with Words in Notes Format:  Steele Healing Americas 1.7 URL corto para esta entrada: Short URL for this post: Watch Advance Informal Version of Briefing (Open Slides in Another Window First)   Vea tambien: 2011: Inteligencia Empresarial y Estrategia Competitiva en Mercados Internacional – Contexto y Desafio [Commercial Intelligence and Competitive …

Review: Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations

Jospeh P. Farrell 5.0 out of 5 stars This is an Information Operations / Counterintelligence Hidden Gem, December 23, 2012 The cover does this book a dis-service. This is a SERIOUS book that should be used in serious courses of instruction for both Information Operations (IO) and Counterintelligence (CI). The book lacks an index, a …

Review: Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East

NOW AVAILABLE AT AMAZON Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels 5.0 out of 5 stars Influential, Integrative, with Integrity, Avoids Three Core Topics December 6, 2012 Here’s what is really great about this book: 01)  The authors are connected, admired, and conversant with the great minds of Silicon Valley (Eric Schmidt offers a very strong blurb) …