John Robb: YouTube Censorship by the Millions

What do you think of the following: YouTube has an “informal system” that allows companies with copyrights to automatically scan all uploads for potential violations. If the software detects the “possibility” of a violation (image, tune, trademark, etc.), it automatically tells YouTube to delete the content. This software is so automated, it can censor millions …

Mini-Me: Twitter Censors #OccupyWallStreet

AmpedStatus))) Knowledge is Power #TwitterCensorship Blocks #OccupyWallStreet from Top Trending Topic Twice On at least two occasions, Saturday September 17th and again on Thursday night, Twitter blocked #OccupyWallStreet from being featured as a top trending topic on their homepage. On both occasions, #OccupyWallStreet tweets were coming in more frequently than other top trending topics that …

Reference: Internet Censorship Circumvention

Global Voices Blog Critique from Jacob Appelbaum: My motivation for writing this response is to inform readers of the serious concerns that many people, myself included, have about the recent Freedom House report. I am always pleased to see more analysis of censorship circumvention and Internet security tools, but I have concerns about this report’s …

Worth a Look: Betrayal, Censorship, & Hope

Obama’s Greatest Betrayal The Coming Sell-Out to the Super Rich and What It Means for the Rest of Us By MICHAEL HUDSON Counterpunch Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee Sam Gustin WIRED Why Gen Y is Better at Your Job Than You Are Penelope Trunk BNET

Journal: Social Web Cannot Be Censored or Gated

Why the Social Web is the Guardian of Net Neutrality Jon Goldman Mashable EXTRACT: The rise of the social web has tipped the balance of information sharing power from corporations to users. Many of the remaining ties consumers once felt toward their favorite search engine or broadband provider have been loosened, making user recommendations the …