DONATE DIRECT To LtGen Michael Flynn — Impoverished and Betrayed by Covington Law Firm, Rescued by Sidney Powell, But Needs Operating Funds Today UPDATE Additional Ben Garrison Cartoon

I join Rush Limbaugh, receipient of the Medal of Freedom, in urging all citizens who care about the future of this country to donate to the Legal Defense Fund for General Michael Flynn. He was impoverished and betrayed by the Covington Law Firm, in malicious conspiracy with Eric Holder and other scum within the Obama …

Mongoose: The Railroading of Michael Flynn – How It Happened and Why It Matters

The Railroading of Michael Flynn How it happened and why it matters Eli Lake in Commentary Just who was the FBI when Comey was its director and Strzok was overseeing the investigation into Flynn and Trump–Russia? Their FBI lied to the surveillance court on multiple occasions and led the public to believe it had a …

Donald J. Trump: Q Deleted by Facebook? Time for Trump Truth Channel and Web 3.0?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 55376d No.9039589 May 5 2020 12:11:10 (EST) NEW “We removed 5 Pages, 20 Facebook accounts, and 6 Groups that originated in the US and focused domestically. Our investigation linked this activity to individuals associated with the QAnon network known to spread fringe conspiracy theories. We found this activity as part of our …

Should Covington & Burling Get a Porcupine Enema and Anthony, Chertoff, Holder, Kelner, and Smith Lose Their Law Licenses For Betraying General Michael Flynn?

SHORT URL: Tuesday Surprise Rocks Flynn Case: Former Lawyers Failed To Produce Another Pile Of Evidence Covington & Burling LLP told the court its search team failed to search all of the law firm’s records and missed the documents, mostly emails. The documents were produced to Powell on Tuesday.

BREAKING: Indictments Coming — List

PBI we have no direct knowledge but this feels right, along with the forthcoming exoneration (no pardon needed) of American Hero General Mike Flynn.  May Justice Be Done! The VIDEO in a LockBox Who is named in this order