Stephen E. Arnold: China and Russia Create Post-Google Internet

Silicon Valley: Off Ramp Closed for Repairs? We learned that Alibaba (a Chinese outfit) has entered into a deal with Russian firms for online payments. Reuters reported the tie up in “Alibaba’s JV in Russia to Use Russia’s Payment System.” The system is used in Russia. TechCrunch points out in “Alibaba Goes Big on Russia …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Losing to Amazon on Cross-Correlation

Google: Online to Brick and Mortar Cross Correlation Our research suggests that Amazon may have a slight edge in the cross correlation of user data. Google, whether pulling a me too or simply going its own way, has decided to link online and brick and mortar data. The effort was revealed in “Google and MasterCard …

Robert Steele: Trump Truth Channel UPDATE Add Donald Trump Junior Tweet on Need for an Alternative & Class Action Lawsuit Against #GoogleGestapo

The President needs a truth channel that connects him directly with the 200 million eligible voters in the USA (70% of them blocked from ballot access and meaningful vote). Such a truth channel must combine text messages, emails, posts, videos, and shared documents and must not be subject to censorship, manipulation or digital assassination such …

Robert Steele: An Interview with Stephen E. Arnold on Google and Google Search — How the Digital Mummy Might Manipulate Search (Never Mind #GoogleGestapo Censorship)

I have known Stephen E. Arnold since the early 1990’s when he quickly became the only speaker to be demanded by my international audience every year. I have relied on him over the years for truthful open source intelligence and deep insights not available from other commercial sources. Although he is now retired, I believe …