Kevin Barrett: Manchester False Flag By Theresa May? Designed to Blog Truther and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn — Public View that Manchester a State-Sponsored False Flag Trending….

Manchester false flag: “Man, 22, kills 22 on May 22” The  British Establishment (led by the City of London banksters) will stop at nothing to make sure that 9/11 truth supporter Jeremy Corbyn – who is also a threat to expose the elite pedophile network – loses to May. And the obvious way to do …

Norie Huddle: Martin Armstrong on Syria, the Pipeline, the Truth the Fake News Media Will Not Cover….

Syria – Pipeline – How The Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria Martin Armstrong It looks like Trump is falling prey to being set up to think this is really about chemical weapons and saving people. Sorry – that was all BS. The evidence came out that it was the rebels supported by …

Eric Zuesse: US Lies About Crimea — Truth Helps

Things Will Get Worse Until US Stops Lying About Crimea Unless the U.S. government’s lies about Crimea — the ‘Russia seized Crimea’ narratives — become acknowledged to be lies, war between the U.S. and Russia can only continue to become increasingly likely, because the world is sliding toward World War III based upon these lies, and will therefore inevitably …

Robert Parry: NYT Plays with History in Failing to Tell Truth About Establishment Wrongdoing

How the NYT Plays with History By failing to tell the hard truth about Establishment wrongdoing, The New York Times — along with other mainstream U.S. media outlets — has destabilized American democracy, reports Robert Parry. Rather than acting as a watchdog against these deceptions, the Times and its mainstream fellow-travelers have transformed themselves into …