Tom Atlee: The Fall and Rise of Truth, Trust, and Society’s Capacity for Wisdom

The fall and rise of truth, trust and society’s capacity for wisdom We are in a period that is sometimes called the “post-truth era”, with a disturbing subtext that it might also be post-trust. Where do we turn for people, information, institutions that we can fully trust, that are dependably truthful – especially for ALL …

#UNRIG: TruthDig – Robert David Steele, Cynthia McKinney Aim to ‘Unrig’ the Political System

Robert David Steele, Cynthia McKinney Aim to ‘Unrig’ the Political System Emma Niles, TruthDig Robert David Steele, a former CIA clandestine case officer, and Cynthia McKinney, a former six-term congresswoman from Georgia, are teaming up to fight establishment politics and bring down the “deep state.” Steele and McKinney have launched #UNRIG, an “educational project” aimed …

Mongoose: David Brock’s Confidential Memo on Destroying Donald Trump and Alt-Right Alternative Media and Truth Operations

Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action Phi Beta Iota: Worthy of a full read.  Full of lies and avoids mentioning the racketeering conspiracy with George Soros and Eric Schmidt or #GoogleGestapo censorship board — or the AIPAC role in manipulating media, money, and more, but a starting point. In our view, David Brock along with …

Jon Rappoport: Australia Bans Truth, Ends Free Speech

Breaking: Interview with Vaxxed producer who was just banned from Australia  Polly Tommey, producer of the famous documentary, Vaxxed, has been banned from Australia. If that sounds quite insane—it is. These Orwellian lunatics want to cancel the public’s right to have access to information. “Don’t think, obey.” Here is their strategy in a nutshell: they …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Invests in Robot Reporters — Where’s the Truth?

Google Invests in Robot Reporters People fear that robots will replace them in the workforce, but reporters did not have to deal with this worry.  Machines lack the capability to write cohesive news pieces, except that robots are getting smarter.  Google might become the bane of news reporters, because of Business Insider shares that, “Google …