Journal: Five Myths Debunked–Treasury Run by Crooks

I asked my good friend Marshall Auerback, an investment advisor and lawyer by training and a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, to evaluate Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s claim that TARP has been a stunning success.  Geithner made this claim in a 10 October op-ed in the Washington Post, entitled, “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tackles …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: East Prepares for Big War

India-Russia: India will buy 250 to 300 advanced stealth fighter aircraft from Russian, according to Defence Minister A.K. Antony, as he announced the deal worth nearly $30 billion. Antony and Russian Defense Minister Serdyukov said Russia would supply the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) as well as 45 transport aircraft. India also will jointly manufacture …

NIGHTWATCH: Russian Military & Military Sales Strategy

Algeria-Russia: For the record. Russian President Medvedev and Algerian President Bouteflika signed a joint statement on 6 October for more coordination and communication between the two countries, Itar-Tass reported. The statement said the two countries’ heads of state will meet regularly and that their foreign ministers will hold at least one meeting a year. The …

Journal: Chinese Super-Computing…

China’s ‘big hole’ marks scale of supercomputing race 1,000 U.S. scientists are involved in exascale development, but China and Europe have stepped up their investment, IBM warns Computerworld – WASHINGTON — To make a point about China’s interest in supercomputing, David Turek, IBM’s vice president of deep computing, displayed a slide with a picture depicting …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Kyrgyzstan Hybrid Governance

Kyrgyzstan- Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states will help Kyrgyzstan stabilize the situation in the country’s southern region, a source in the Russian Federal Security Service said 23 September after a regional SCO anti-terrorism council meeting, Interfax reported. The council decided that law-enforcement agencies of member states will assist Kyrgyzstan maintain security …