MILNET Headlines, 1 March 2010

Cyber-Control:  How Britain is using classical music as a form of social control Cyber-Control:  Major ACTA Leak: Internet and Civil Enforcement Chapters Cyber-Hype:  Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet Cyber-Security:  New Era for Internet Security Cyber-World:  Striving to Map the Shape-Shifting Net Homeland Security:  Dirty Bomb Recovery Plans Lacking Media:  Understanding the participatory …

MILNET Headlines, 26 February 2010

Cloud Games:  Microsoft to Open Government-Only Dedicated Cloud Facility Cyber-Security:  DoD Issues Responsible Internet Use Policy Cyber-Security: Microsoft Wins Court Approval to Topple Botnet Cyber-Security: RIAA CEO Tries To Connect China Google Hack With Google’s Attitude US Civil Rights:  Lawmakers Punt Patriot Act to Obama US Civil Rights:  Majority Say Government Threatens Rights US Economy:  …

MILNET Headlines, 22 February 2010

China:  Hacking Inquiry Puts China’s Elite in New Light Commentary:  Vindicating John Yoo Corporate Mis-Behavior:  Citigroup May Restrict Bank Withdrawals Cyber-Security:  Software Errors Placing Networks at Risk Cyber-Security: US Pinpoints Coder Behind Google Attack Cyber-Security: Where Have All the MANPADS Gone? Iraq:  Baghdad’s Crucible, Washington’s Disinterest US Intelligence:  Remarks by the Director of National Intelligence …

Review: The Idea that is America–Keeping Faith With Our Values in a Dangerous World

Best of Intentions, Good Individual Effort, February 20, 2010 Anne-Marie Slaughter Now that my own book INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainaabilty is at the printer am back into reading and really looking forward to catching up with the 25 books on my “to do” shelf. This one jumped to the top of …

MILNET Headlines, 18 February 2010

Abuse:  CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up Afghanistan:  Empty Skies Over Afghanistan Anti-Privacy:  Pa. school spied on students via laptops Cyber-Security:  Cyberattack simulation highlights vulnerabilities Cyber-Security:  Hackers Troops rejoice, Pentagon Lifts Thumb Drive Ban Cyber-Security:  Large Worldwide Cyber Attack Is Uncovered Threat—Crime: Joint effort targets border crime Threat—Wall Street: Wall Street’s …