Mongoose: President Trump Is Being Lied to About Africa and Everything Else….

Phi Beta Iota: Niger is about Western looting backed by US force. Our President is being lied to by everyone from across the military-intelligence-industrial-financial complex. Closing all our bases overseas, bringing back all our troops without exception, is the fastest way to achieve world peace and prosperity for the 99%. To do that he must …

Antechinus: Andrew Korybko on Incipient Hybrid War in South Central Africa and Mozambique

Incipient Hybrid War in South Central Africa and Mozambique An excerpt from Andrew Korybko’s book “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change” (2015) has been posted at Global Research. The incipient Hybrid War on Mozambique hasn’t been a large-scale conflict and it has noticeably lacked a lot of the Color Revolution elements that …

Sepp Hasslberger: Oldest Civilization – in South Africa, 200,000 Years Ago…

We may find that there have been several civilisations on earth before our current one … once we start to appreciate and learn to read the signs that were left behind. Anyway, here are the remnants of one located at the Southern tip of Africa that pre-dated ours by more than a hundred thousand years. …

Jean Lievens: Coworking Goes Global — Mostly Ignored — Meanwhile Africa Makes a Revolution…

Coworking Visionaries Weigh In on the Future of the Movement Jacob Sayles: … I am surprised how difficult it is to get the word out that this way of working, this way of living, is here and abundant. I’ve been shouting COWORKING on high for eight years now and people still wander in to Office …