Bin Laden Show 69: SNL Mocks Obama Smartly

SNL mocks Obama’s bin Laden celebrating Luke Broadwater Baltimore Sun, 15 May 2011 A week after picking apart many of the undeclared Republican presidential candidates (including one, Newt Gingrich, who became a declared candidate this week) “Saturday Night Live” turned its attention to President Barack Obama and his perceived showboating over the killing of terrorist …

Bin Laden Show 67: Paradigm Shift — Bin Laden and the Spring of Arab Revolutions

Towards a New Paradigm Shift: Bin Laden and the Spring of Arab Revolutions By ESAM AL-AMIN 13-15 May 2011 EXTRACT: Despite the dozens of meetings in the review process, it’s remarkable that the whole premise of the U.S. escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan was not challenged or probed. The U.S. has committed tens of thousands …