Bin Laden Show 62: Hoax Summary, DNA Evidence Trashed

New Bin Laden Tapes Appear Fake Like Earlier Ones 2011/05/12 From: Mathaba by Stephen Lendman Read summary of inconsistencies…. Osama and the Ghosts of September 11: “Proof that Obama is Lying” by Michael C. Ruppert, 7 May 2011 Global EXTRACT:  Let’s start with what I consider the most-obvious proof that the Obama administration is lying. …

Bin Laden Show 59: Waterboarding for Morons Part II–Senator John McCain Gets Explicit “NO–N, O”

Former Attorney General: McCain ‘simply incorrect’ on interrogations that led to key Bin Laden intel Phi Beta Iota: This individual means well and probably remembers what he was told, but CIA has a history of lying to Presidents, Attorney Generals, and Congress and we professionals know for a FACT that waterboarding does not work, it …