Robert David Steele – New Personal Site

Effectively immediately Robert David Steele has a new personal site that will be — together with Open Source Everything 21 — the foundation for his work going forward on Open Source Everything Engineering and the Open Source (Technologies) Agency. Organization & Links Below the Fold

UNASUR: Agencia de Fuentes Abiertas (de technologia)

Para el Secretario General de UNASUR: esta idea ha sido presentado a los líderes de los Estados Unidos de América y probablemente será ignorado. Esta sería una excelente iniciativa con la que comenzar la moderna independencia y auto-sostenible prosperidad de las Américas. Les deseo todas las posibilidades en el futuro. Respetuosamente, Robert David STEELE Vivas MEMORANDUM …

OpenDemocracy: Towards a Multipolar Civil Society

Towards a multipolar civil society Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah and Mandeep Tiwana OpenDemocracy, 28 May 2015 With the world more multipolar than ever, why is civil society power still disproportionately located in the global North? A contribution to the openGlobalRights debate on Internationalizing human rights organizations. Español, Português

Mongoose: UNASUR Opens Defense School Focused on Peace and Stability

Unasur opens Defense School to elaborate a shared doctrine of peace and stability The Union of South American Nations, Unasur will celebrate this Friday its eighth anniversary with the official opening of the South American Defense School (Esude) created to instruct on defense and security issues, both at civil and military level, following ‘the principles …