Winslow Wheeler: GAO (A Legislative Entity) Plays Courtesan to Lockheed, DoD, and the Congressional Recipients of Lockheed Largesse + F-35 RECAP

DOD is circling the wagons to keep the F-35 propped up in the declining Pentagon budget.  Importantly, as noted by a prime Lockheed mouthpiece offering his thankfulness for it, GAO’s newest report on the F-35 offers a conclusion that the F-35 is on track for improvement–the data notwithstanding.  In point of fact, what the GAO conclusion …

Marcus Aurelius: USAF Priorities — Relieve One Colonel of Command for a Waistline (He Passed the PT Test), Never Mind the F-35 Killing Pilots and Budgets, or Generals Who Cannot Win Wars….

Priorities! Colonel relieved of command for failing PT [Waist Measurement] By Jeff Schogol – Staff writer Military Times, Wednesday Mar 20, 2013 16:47:54 EDT The Air Force has relieved a full colonel with an impeccable resume for failing his physical fitness test [Phi Beta Iota: he passed the physical test, it was his waist measurement …

Chuck Spinney: Treason Thy Name is F-35A aka “Acquisition Malpractice”

Below is more insight into the disgraceful state of affairs of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the largest program in DoD’s history.  This commentary by Winslow Wheeler, Director of the Strauss Military Reform Project, is based on the information in yet another official Pentagon DOT&E report.  Read it and weep … I especially uge that …

Winslow Wheeler: Treason Thy Name is F-35A — We Expect Hagel to “Do A Cheney”

Including stunning pilot comments about the aircraft’s survivability (such as “Aft visibility will get the pilot gunned [down] every time”), a new, unclassified DOD document on the F-35 is now available. It describes the performance of the F-35A and its support systems in initial training at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Find the document …

Winslow Wheeler: DoD’s Own F-35 Test Report Contains Useful Truths

When DOD’s Director of Operational Test and Evaluation released its annual report to Congress on the performance of US weapons in operational (battlefield) testing, an object of some attention was the section on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  The report itself (at made difficult and cryptic reading, and the news reporting covered whatever highlights harried …

Winslow Wheeler: Canadian Honesty, US Dishonesty, on the F-35

Parliamentary Lights Canada’s politicians take on the F-35. When Canada’s left-of-center New Democratic Party (NDP) invited me to testify before a mock hearing (on Parliament Hill with only NDP members present) addressing the country’s purchase of the U.S. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, I was confident I knew what to expect. I expected the Canadian politicians, …

Winslow Wheeler: GAO’s June 14 F-35 Report Understates Its Own Findings; Uses Misdirecting DOD Criteria

Phi Beta Iota:  Until governments commit to true-cost economics (and of course to telling the truth and being fully transparent) they will not achieve full legitmacy and efficacy in serving the public interest.  The work of one man, Winslow Wheeler, should shame all governments by example, but especially the US Government, where no fraud, waste, …