Graphic: OSINT Cell

This was the basic OSINT cell recommended to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in 1990.  We still need to get to where every Agency and every major Command and every partner across each of the other seven tribes of intelligence has such a cell, and they are all linked in a global Open Source Information …

Graphic: OSINT Marketplace

The OSINT Marketplace will not fully develop until we constrain the corruption within the military-intelligence-industrial complex that substitutes “butts in seats” with clearances and precioius little else to offer, for tangible substance that can be easily shared across all boundaries.  Butts in seats are a waste of time-energy.  We must also stop paying more than …

Graphic: OSINT Multinational Information Operations

This slide, originally created for THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE was morphed to address needs in a briefing to the Coalition Coordination Center (CCC) in Tampa within the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM).  This remains the core time-energy slide for harnessing the distributed intelligence of the Whole Earth leveraging multinational multifunctional information-sharing and sense-making agreements.