Owl: Pocahontas Revenge – Deep State False Flag White-Faces a Filipino UPDATE 6: Sayoc with Democratic Donor

This web page supplies a compilation of news about Florida bombing suspect, Cesar Sayoc. It especially notes the sloppiness and amateurishness of whichever Deep State operatives set up Sayoc to be a patsy in a FF making Trump and Republicans look blameworthy for the bomb packages: CNN graphics employees are currently tinkering with the Whiteness …

SchwartzReport: Monsanto Herbicide Labeled Carginogenic (Our Generation’s DDT) by World Health Organization

This report has good news. Glyphosate is the modern DDT — whose lingering presence now decades later it should be noted is still killing people. Like DDT it has been hugely profitable, but grotesquely destructive, not only as intended, but in other ways as well. Now a gathering resistance driven from the bottom up challenges …

Worth a Look: Sarapis Non-Profit, Free/Libre/Open Source (FLO) Solutions to Local Challenges — A NYC Change Agent

  FLO projects make their source materials freely accessible to the public at no cost & with few, if any, restrictions. What’s the Problem? Technological advancements lead to increases in productivity that are supposed to lead to increases in wealth. But for the vast majority of Americans, real wealth has actually been decreasing over the last 30 …

Jon Rappoport: Mental Illness is the New Normal

Mental illness is the new normal The strategy is as old as the hills. Show people an extreme example of something, and thereby convince them to accept a compromise. In this case, parade before the public—along with assured pronouncements from “mental health experts”—images of James Holmes, Aaron Alexis, Adam Lanza, etc.—and say: “Look, these are …

Mini-Me: Three Pre-Snowden NSA Whistle-Blowers “WE TOLD YOU SO”

Huh? In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell 3 NSA veterans speak out on whistle-blower: We told you so In a roundtable discussion, a trio of former National Security Agency whistle-blowers tell USA TODAY that Edward Snowden succeeded where they failed. When a National Security Agency …