No Labels No Confidence — Same Old Apparatchiks

Can ‘No Labels’ change the tone in Washington? By Matt DeLong Washington Post, 13 December 2010 A new movement called “No Labels” is hoping to help tone down the heated rhetoric in Washington. Headed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a veritable ‘who’s who’ of moderate politicians are participating in the No Labels launch in … Sells Out–No Labels + Americans Elect + CUIP =Trifecta of Electoral Fraud

Jackie Salit, who helped Mike Bloomberg get elected the first time around, appears to have sold out the Independent franchise.  Below the line is a complete posting from their website preserved for the record…just in case they are tempted to rescript the history.  They tipped their hand.  NO LABELS is a fraud, and this makes …

Graphic: No Labels No Faces

See Also: Reference: No Labels “Non-Party” = “Four More Years” for Wall Street Reference: How the Oligarchs Took America Reference: Transparency Killer App Plus “Open Everything” RECAP (Back to 01/2007) Tip of the Hat to ABSOLUT’s Prior Art

Reference: No Labels “Non-Party” = “Four More Years” for Wall Street

Wikipedia Overview No Labels Home Page See Also: The founding fathers had no labels (San Diego Examiner) WARNING NOTICE: has a major virus.  Do NOT go to their story on the Houston meeting (apart from its being hype, now it’s just plain dangerous). Phi Beta Iota: We believe the following: 1.  Michael Bloomberg wants …