Howard Rheinghold: Science of Paying Attention

Studies such as Nass et. al.’s “Cognitive Control in Media Multitaskers” have demonstrated on a general level that media multitaskers are actually rapidly task-switching and that the attentional costs of switching focus degrades efficiency in accomplishing individual tasks. But that research is just the beginning. Important to infotention is what is not yet known about …

Owl: Malaysian Airlines Redux — From Holistic Analysis of Covert Possibilities to Rothschild Patent Play to Alien Abdjuction…

This presents an analysis from various geopolitical, military, and intelligence angles, and very confidently posits the Indian Ocean base Diego Garcia as the final location of flight 370. The author also provides arguments for claiming the jet was remotely hijacked and driven to the base. Is MH370 The Latest Casualty Of The Pentagon’s Pivot To …

Berto Jongman: Izborsk Club Itemizes US/NATO Acts of War Within Ukraine Against Russia — Now Being Replayed by Sorcha Faal and Others

Izborsk Club sees a plan for war over the Ukraine EXCLUSIVE: Citing Cuban Missile Crisis, Leading Russian Grouping Sees Plans for War Over Ukraine Written by experts for the Izborsk Club, an influential intellectual group accorded prominence by President Vladimir Putin in recent months, the statement defines a “fascist and Nazi creeping coup” in …

Stephen E. Arnold: Cash-Fueled Arrogance Displaced Innovation in IT Sector — No One Paying for the Plumbing [Facebook is Arrogant, Lazy, & Stupid]

Innovation: Bring Cash Last week, two of the senior ArnoldIT professionals delivered a one hour lecture to a select group of executives. The topic was related to our work in locating high-value information using open source content sources. Shortly after our presentation I read “Google Was Willing to Beat Facebook’s $19B Offer for WhatsApp.” Quite …

BUCKY 2.0: R. Buckminster Fuller – The History [and Mystery] of the Universe – A one-man play created by D. W. Jacobs

R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER: The History [and Mystery] of the Universe A one-man play created by D. W. Jacobs (first performed in 2000 in San Diego, then San Francisco) The following excerpts constitute one persons feelings of the play’s wisdom and inspiration that may warrant pondering: 1. Gravity does not have to think before behaving in …

Eagle: Consumer manipulation pace set by casinos with confusion by design; addictiveness by design; and use of play money

Casinos’ worrying knack for consumer manipulation The spread of machine gambling offers a portent of other economic developments Tim Harford, Undercover Economist What if the future of capitalism is not to be found in Shenzhen, Abu Dhabi or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab – but in the Nevada desert? Natasha Dow Schüll, an …

Jean Lievens: BITCOIN – How It Works And Why It Could Threaten Legacy Payment Tools (e.g. Credit Cards)

BITCOIN: How It Works, And Why It Could One Day Threaten Legacy Payments Tools Like Credit Cards Bitcoin is most often discussed as a volatile digital currency, beloved by some, derided by others. But where Bitcoin’s real value lies is as a payments technology that has the potential to revolutionize the legacy payments industry. Bitcoin …