Stephen J. Arnold: NSA Drives Many to Private Search – Phi Beta Iota: Lacking Code Level Integrity, Privacy is Not an Option

Users Seek Private Search Options After NSA Revelations This is certainly no surprise. CSO reveals, “People Flock to Anonymizing Services After NSA Snooping Reports.” Writer Grant Gross highlights several anonymous search services that have seen usage soar since certain NSA practices have come to light. DuckDuckGo is on the list, as well as Tor and …

Event: 30-31 OCT 13 NYC Power, Privacy, & the Internet [Free, Registration Required]

October 30, 2013 — October 31, 2013 Power, Privacy and the Internet The Edward Snowden affair, and the willingness of the US government to violate the privacy of internet communications on a gigantic scale in the interests of national security, have propelled internet technologies to the center of our political, and civic concerns. There is …

Rickard Falkvinge: US Corporations Lie, Abuse, and Ignore European Privacy Data Regulations

US Corporate “Safe Harbor” For European Private Data Lied About, Abused, Ignored; Europarl Calls For Immediate Scrapping Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:57 AM PDT Privacy – Henrik Alexandersson:  US corporations routinely ignore and abuse the strict privacy rules of European private citizen data, which they have accessed under the “safe harbor” agreement of the European …

Eagle: NSA Has Violated Privacy Rules Thousands of Times, Audit Finds

NSA violated privacy rules thousands of times, audit finds Transgressions ranged from serious legal violations to typos that led to unintended data collection, according to documents supplied to The Washington Post. The National Security Agency exceeded its legal authority and broke agency rules thousands of times since it was granted broader powers in 2008, according …

SchwartzReport: Google to Court – Gmail Users Have No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy

Google Claims Gmail Users Have no ‘Reasonable Expectation’ Their Emails Are Private DOMINIC RUSHE, The Raw Story/The Guardian (U.K.) – The If you use Gmail you need to know this. Gmail users have no ‘reasonable expectation” that their emails are confidential, Google has said in a court filing. Consumer Watchdog, the advocacy group that uncovered the …

Berto Jongman: EU Emergency Response Centre (no NATO); E-Stonia; Google Takes Hit on Privacy; Strongbox Anonymous Document Sharing Tool

Emergency Response Centre: for a faster and more efficient European response to disasters “With the unfortunately increasing frequency and complexity of disasters, EU Member States need to cooperate even more closely. The new EU Emergency Response Centre provides a state of the art platform that allows them to coordinate under the most extreme circumstances, enables …

Berto Jongman: Connected Generation, Changing Norms, Big Banks, Privacy and Big Data

The connected generation ‘Millennials’ are leveraging their tech savvy for social change and economic opportunity. How social network policies are changing speech and privacy norms Is the proprietary nature of online speech poised to change cultural norms? Big Banks are Victims of Their Own Success The biggest banks have done an excellent job of delaying …