Jean Lievens: Airbnb CEO on Sharing Economy – Starting with Education as a Global Traveling Experience

Airbnb does business in 34,000 cities, has a valuation of over 10 billion dollars, and in a very short time has disrupted the world of hospitality and travel. Its co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky envisions the future city as a place where sharing is front and center — where people become micro-entrepreneurs, the local mom …

Jean Lievens: WIRED – Insurance Breaks Start-Ups in a Sharing Economy

What Makes or Breaks Startups in the Sharing Economy? Insurance Rates   Jason Tanz WIRED 04.28.14 EXTRACT Insurance represents both the lifeblood and the biggest threat to the sharing economy. As I explore in this month’s WIRED cover story, companies like RelayRides — or Airbnb, Lyft, or any other sharing company — depend upon its …

Jean Lievens: Amsterdam enabled private rentals as non-businesses, encouraging the sharing economy

Amsterdam adopts new private rental policy that benefits Airbnb hosts and the sharing economy By Josh Ong, The Next Web, Thursday, 13 Feb ’14 The city of Amsterdam has approved a new set of rules that allows residents to rent out their homes on Airbnb with less red tape. Previously, Amsterdam required renters to secure permits …

Jean Lievens: Sharing Economy Steeped in Ethical Controversy

The Sharing Economy is Steeped in Ethical Controversy EXTRACT: According to Vice contributor Kelly Carlin, the term “sharing economy” has become a misnomer. By attaching the word “sharing” to a service it gives clients a warm fuzzy feeling, like attaching “green” or “all natural.” Carlin calls it ‘sharewashing.’ “Peel back the wrapper and you find …

Jean Lievens: Baltimore 2.0 – How Millenials and Sharing Economy are Transforming the Way Cities Function

Baltimore 2.0: How the millennial generation and a new “sharing economy” are transforming the way cities function Something about the empty driveway next to his off-campus house in Georgetown always bugged Nick Miller. But he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. EXTRACTS: Today, Parking Panda, which receives a cut of all transactions, makes locating …

Jean Leivins: SLATE Falls Short in Covering the Sharing Economy

The only thing more tired than the “sharing economy” meme might be this opinion. While there’s truth in what he and many others before him have said, his post throws the baby out with the bath water. It shows a shallow understanding of the economic transformation underway, and this being Slate, with millions of readers, …

Jean Lievens: How to Design for the Sharing Economy

How To Design For The Sharing Economy How do you create the next Zipcar, Netflix, or Airbnb? Follow these five rules, from Artefact’s Lada Gorlenko. The definition of ownership is changing. We are becoming less interested in owning products and accumulating wealth through long-term purchases. Instead, we crave experiences, seeking out things without much of …