The Afghanistan War: Tactical Victories, Strategic Stalemate? With Comment by Chuck Spinney

The Afghanistan War: Tactical Victories, Strategic Stalemate? David Wood, Politics Daily, 13 February 2011 The top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, likes to describe the tactical gains his troops are making against insurgents. But a stream of independent data and analysis suggests a wide gap between those battlefield gains and the strategic progress needed …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Sends–Viet-Nam RMK-BRJ Reprise….Wanna Fix New Orleans? Just move it to Afghanistan….

… because, even though Obama may think he is weighing his policy “options,” the Pentagon is busily politically engineering the the flow of infrastructure funds needed to lock in the constituent support for its Long War. 2014 or Bust: The Pentagon’s Afghan Building Boom Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt, November 06, 2009 In our day, …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Sends….Afghanistan

Highlighting by Chuck Spinney High Cost, Low Odds by STEPHEN M. WALT The Nation October 21, 2009 Deciding what to do in Afghanistan requires a hard-nosed assessment of the costs of the war, the alleged benefits of victory and the likelihood of success. We know the price will be high. The United States has …

Journal: The Afghanistan Impasse–Chuck Spinney Highlights NYT Review of Books

The Afghanistan Impasse By Ahmed Rashid New York Review of Books Volume 56, Number 15 · October 8, 2009 To Live or to Perish Forever: Two Tumultuous Years in Pakistan by Nicholas Schmidle Henry Holt, 254 pp., $25.00 Seeds of Terror: How Heroin Is Bankrolling the Taliban and al Qaeda by Gretchen Peters Thomas Dunne/St. …

Chuck Spinney with Pierre Sprey & Winslow T. Wheeler: Bankrupt and Irrelevant – the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending

Bankrupt and Irrelevant: the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending by Pierre Sprey, Chuck Spinney and Winslow T. Wheeler In the almost 12 hours of Democratic Party presidential primary debates on June 26-27 and July 30-31, the words “Pentagon budget” or “defense spending” were not uttered, except for a fleeting, unanswered comment …

Chuck Spinney: Analysis of Kunduz Hospital Bombing — Is the USAF Incapable of Doing Close Air Support (CAS)?

The author, a long time friend, is a retired Marine Lt. Colonel and, as a junior officer, served as forward artillery observer in heavy combat in Viet Nam. Key questions unasked in the news about the US attack on Kunduz Hospital By David Evans, Fabius Maximus Website, 22 Oct 2015 10 Hard Questions Below the …