Antechinus: Kurds & Rojava – 3 References

In contrast to the increasingly autocratic Turkey to the north and the fragmented and warring countries to the south, the Kurds in the Rojava canton have consolidated a history of self-determination and resistance to external control by developing the kind of decentralized society based on communal decision making envisaged by US social scientist Murray Bookchin. …

Patrick Cockburn: Changing Balance of Power in Syria

Too Weak, Too Strong Patrick Cockburn on the state of the Syrian war EXTRACT The Russian intervention in Syria, the greater involvement of Iran and the Shia powers, and the rise of the Syrian Kurds has not yet changed the status quo in Iraq and Syria, though it has the potential to do so.

Yoda: Kurds Lead on Economic Innovation

Rojava – the formation of an economic alternative: Private property in the service of all EXTRACT Inspired by the model of democratic confederalism and democratic autonomy, democratic assemblies, women’s council and other democratic organisations have been established. Every ethnic and religious group must be represented in these councils, and the leadership of each evenly divided …