Faded Rose: Climate Change Kicks Big Oil in the Wallet…

Louisiana’s Sinking Coast Is a $100 Billion Nightmare for Big Oil The state can’t pay, so someone has to. And the water keeps rising. The oil and gas sector is already losing an average of $14 billion a year to environmental threats to its infrastructure, according to a study by America’s Wetlands Foundation and Entergy …

Anthony Judge: UN Climate Change Conference Just Like the Titanic — The Best, The Brightest, Right Into the Iceberg

The “Saving of Humanity” framed by “Sinking of the Titanic” Rising sea of discontent engendered by warming climate of opinion Introduction Exploring the parallels Neglected signals of systemic negligence The agreement reached at the UN Climate Change Conference (Paris, 2015) constituted the epitome of authoritarian excellence and expertise — like the RMS Titanic in 1912. …

Mongoose: Exxon – 40 Years of Lies on Climate Change

Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation EXTRACT By 1989 the company had helped create the Global Climate Coalition (disbanded in 2002) to question the scientific basis for concern about climate …

Michael Klare: Climate Change Tipping Points

Climate Change Tipping Points and the Question of Civilizational Survival Not so long ago, it was science fiction. Now, it’s hard science—and that should frighten us all. The latest reports from the prestigious and sober Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) make increasingly hair-raising reading, suggesting that the planet is approaching possible moments of irreversible …

Berto Jongman: Is Climate Change Australia’s Greatest National Security Issue?

Why climate change is Australia’s greatest national security issue They were given 13 threats or potential threats to consider: adverse global trends and challenges to the international system; terrorism and piracy; instability and failed or failing states; poverty, inequality, and poor governance; serious and organised crime; WMD proliferation; climate change; civil emergencies, including natural disasters …