Tom Atlee: Child’s Vow of Silence Until World Leaders Act on Climate Change

A remarkable 11 year old’s vow of silence I have been deeply moved by the action of an 11 year old – Itzcuauhtli (Eat-Squat-Lee) Roske-Martinez who stopped talking October 27, 2014 “until world leaders take action on Climate Change”. Itzcuauhtli makes it clear that he thinks all of us are at least as important as …

SchwartzReport: Climate Change + Concentrated Wealth = Violence. Revolution USA is Coming. Any Questions?

There are going to be many unanticipated consequences arising from climate change, here is one that is just beginning to surface. Our failure to take what is happening to our planet seriously is going to come at great cost to human civilization. And this may be part of the reason the police have been militarized. …