Tom Atlee: Interbeing and Mutual Learning — Evolving World Consciousness (Plants and Animals & Rocks are Thinking Energy Too…)

Braiding ourselves back into the world Here is my experience with the remarkable book, Braiding Sweetgrass, which successfully immersed me in the indigenous awareness of the living world as “all my relations”. The implications are staggering – and superbly communicated by the author, Robin Wall Kimmerer, equally grounded in indigenous Potawatomi and Onondaga wisdom and …

John Petersen: Extraterrestrials, Consciousness, and Why Nuclear War Is Not Going To Happen

I think of the ET thing in terms of the evolution of the human species – moving toward becoming cosmic citizens/humans with active engagement with our neighbors.  It is the inevitable next step in the evolution process with all of the attendant changes in perspective, outlook, capabilities, etc. There is good reason to believe that …