Koko: List of Food & Beverages Containing Cancer-Producing Monsanto Glyphosate

Glyphosate in Food: Complete List of Products and Brands Filled with Popular Cancer-Causing Weed-Killer Concern over glyphosate in food is on the rise after Monsanto was found guilty in covering up their cancer-causing product, Roundup. Monsanto has been under scrutiny ever since they were ordered to pay $289 million in damages to plaintiff, Dewayne Johnson. …

Koko: South Africa Cuts Off Apartheid Israel — Can This Mark of Cain Be Denied As Jews World-wide Also Condemn Genocidal Apartheid Israel?

By cutting off relations, South Africa has branded Israel with the mark of Cain The severing of relations with the country of Nelson Mandela shouldn’t merely stir up sad thoughts about who Israel’s friends and critics are; South Africa, in a move that generates respect, is teaching Israel an important lesson about instilling the legacy …