Robert Steele: Reflections on The People’s Army, The Constitution, & Grand Strategy

These are my personal views that do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Defense or any element thereof. Reflections on The People’s Army, The Constitution, & Grand Strategy Robert David Steele DOC (11 Pages) Short URL: The People’s Army – the Continental Army rooted in home-spun militias – was formed and …

Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part II – Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations

Steele, Robert. Reinventing the US Army Part II – Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Press, Projected Publication 2017. Part II in the Reinventing the US Army monograph series. Robert David Steele DOC (37 Pages): EIN 7FV42 ERAP Steele Vol 2 Global Reality …

Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight

My preliminary contributions to the NATO Strategic Foresight Online Workshop. I have no appointment or connection to NATO or the Transformation Command. This workshop is open to the public without restriction. Characteristics of the Future Threats & Possibilities Economic Considerations Environmental Considerations Human Considerations I & II Political Considerations Technology Considerations Strategic Foresight I & …

Richard Clarke: 10 Observations on US Intelligence Gathering – Robert Steele on What Clarke Does Not Mention

Richard Clarke at RSA Conference: 10 Observations on US Intelligence Gathering A veteran counter-terrorism advisor and Presidential Review Group member on Intelligence gives his executive summary I’m in San Francisco this week to attend the RSA security conference, and to cover the Cloud Security Alliance summit for security professionals. The CSA is a terrific organization, …

Jean Lievins: The Networked Society — DISRUPTIVE Technology Rules — and the Most Disruptive of All Technologies is C4ISR Technology that is Also Open Source

It’s about doing the impossible – faster Technology is transforming how everybody builds solutions and faster access to the latest technology gives you an unfair advantage. I work in Silicon Valley and we benefit from that unfair advantage. This is because the technology being invented here is not incremental but disruptive. EXTRACT: You will notice …

2013 Robert Steele: $500 Million to Resettle 1 Million on a Moonscape with Sun, Dirt, & Salt Water….Exploring the Practical Edge of Intelligence with Integrity — 2.0 Habitat Cost Sheet Posted

OUR OBJECTIVE:  Figure out how to take one million people out of a virtual hell and resettle them into a virtual heaven, using only $500 million ($500 per person), and three ingredients available in plentitude: sunlight, barren earth, and salt water.  Begin within 90 days and finish within two years.  In so doing, create the …