Worth a Look: Blood in the Water – How the U.S. and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty

“Finally, the definitive reconstruction of the greatest moral and political scandal in American history, which demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that the US government at its highest level conspired with Israel in 1967 to destroy a surveillance naval vessel, USS Liberty, and murder its own sailors to gain a pretext for launching an aggressive attack on …

Richard Sauder: Overview of Secret Deep Underground and Underwater Bases Connected by Mag-Lev Trains & Tunnels

Richard Sauder, PhD Biography Page There are a great many underground and underwater tunnels and facilities. They can be impressively large and deep. Depths can easily range to one vertical mile underground, which is comparative child’s play for the technology in the Black Budget world, and even deeper. Installations can also sprawl for miles, with …

Berto Jongman: Global Water Crisis – Economic and Health Costs

‘Invisible’ crisis of water quality threatens human and environmental well-being: World Bank report Deteriorating water quality worldwide is slashing the economic potential of heavily polluted areas, according to a new World Bank report, released on Tuesday. It also warns that the “invisible crisis of water quality” is threatening human and environmental well-being.

Zero Hedge: Chinese Company Offers Hydrogen-Powered Car Using Water as Fuel PLUS US Company Offering Electricity from Water

Chinese Company Claims Its Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle Can Travel 500km Using Only Water As Fuel A car company in Central China has claimed that it has built a hydrogen powered vehicle that’s capable of traveling up to 500km using only water as power, according to the South China Morning Post. The vehicle was made by Qingnian Cars in …