Stephen E. Arnold: Google Tells Political Truth — But Still Does Not Make Sense

Google Gets Political It’s not often in this day and age that a Fortune 500 company rattles any political cages. In most cases, companies keep their noses out of Washington, or at least disguise their motives behind lobbyists. However, Google seems to be making some striking political waves, as we discovered in a recent NBC …

Robert Steele: PhD Proposal

As part of this endeavor, a new annual conference is planned that will focus on M4IS2/OSE, and in passing, redefine both political science and the craft of intelligence as we go forward together. DOC (5 Pages):  2014-04-23 (3.8) PhD Research Proposal Robert David Steele Professional Site 2014 Research Proposal – Political Science Multi-Disciplinary Evidence-Based Sustainable …

Rob Dover & Robert Steele: Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence – Seven Barriers to Reform

PDF (15 Pages): Dover Steele PSA April 2014 Dover, R & Steele, RD (2014) Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence: Seven Barriers to Reform, Paper presented the UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester (14 Arpil 2014). ROBERT STEELE: An Open Source Agency would be helpful but I was naive to expect the US IC …

2014 Robert Steele: Beyond the Open Source Agency – School of Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance, World Brain Institute, PhD in Comprehensive Architecture

DOC (11 Pages): FIVE-R-Brief-School-World-Brain-OSE-2.3R LEVEL ONE BRIEFING I have three ideas that can rapidly enhance your: • Rank among all universities • Research power among faculty • Relevance as evaluated by alumni, students, and prospects • Revenue in terms of endowments, grants, contracts, and fees • Real Estate value.

Steven Aftergood: ODNI Rethinks Secrecy and Openness in Intelligence — 25 Years Late, Neither Credible nor Effective, Still Missing the Point!

ODNI Rethinks Secrecy and Openness in Intelligence By leaking classified intelligence documents, Edward Snowden transformed public awareness of the scale and scope of U.S. intelligence surveillance programs. But his actions are proving to be no less consequential for national security secrecy policy. “These leaks have forced the Intelligence Community to rethink our approach to transparency …

Berto Jongman: Banking Suicides Continue…along with Resignations, Arrests, and Retirements

Yet Another Trader Suicide Rocks Financial World At least nine sudden deaths within last 7 weeks Paul Joseph Watson March 13, 2014 The financial world has been rocked by the news of yet another suicide after 47-year-old Manhattan trader Edmund Reilly jumped in front of a Long Island Rail Road commuter train on Tuesday …