Review: Why Leaders Lie–The Truth About Lying in International Politics

John J. Mearsheimer Cornerstone, Not the Whole Building January 2, 2011 By no stretch should this book be dismissed as a three. While I might normally have gone with a four, I am settling on five for balance and because the author not only covers an extraordinarily important topic in a sensible measured way, but …

Journal: Bribes from US Okay, from Venezuela Not OK

Nicaragua Government Took Bribes From Drug Traffickers, Cable Says December 9, 2010 Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega’s government accepts bribes from drug traffickers, harbors terrorists and attempts to endear itself to Iran, according to leaked U.S. diplomatic cables. By Samuel Rubenfeld U.S. diplomats accused Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega’s government of taking bribes from drug traffickers in …

Journal: Terminator to Feds–“Can You Spell Nullify?”

Marijuana in California: Prop. 19 won’t stop federal drug enforcement Even if voters pass Proposition 19 on Nov. 2, which would legalize use of marijuana in California, the Justice Department will continue to enforce federal drug laws there, Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday. Read full story…. Phi Beta Iota:  States have the right to …