Berto Jongman: Information Overload and Fake News

Information Overload Helps Fake News Spread, and Social Media Knows It Understanding how algorithm manipulators exploit our cognitive vulnerabilities empowers us to fight back ROBERT STEELE: The system is designed for mind-control. This includes blocking citizen access to all relevant information and refusing to develop sense-making tools.  We don’t do counter-intelligence and we don’t do …

Zero Hedge: Saxo Bank 10 Far-Out Predictions With Grit!

2021 Will Be A “Reality Check On Extend-And-Pretend” – Saxo Bank Unveils Its ‘Outrageous Predictions’ For The Year Ahead Saxo Bank has today released its 10 Outrageous Predictions for 2021. The predictions focus on a series of unlikely but underappreciated events which, if they were to occur, could send shockwaves across financial markets: Amazon “buys” Cyprus …

Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth

Short URL for telling others: Open Your mind TO CHANGE: A guidebook to the Great Awakening Preface Why I Am Optimistic About the Future The Great Awakening The Storm: How To Prepare For a Global Corruption Purge? Crossing The Schism Dark And Light: The Revolution Within The Silent War And Digital Soldiers Death Of …