Doug Macgregor: Army Makes Another Bad Move — “Light” Tanks for Dead Infantry

Army picks two companies to build prototypes for a new cannon-toting vehicle to back up infantry My comment: The Army is pursuing a 1942 tactical solution to contemporary warfare. Providing light infantry with light tanks was a desperate measure in 1942 to make up for a lack of firepower and protection. It did not work …

Review (Guest): Margin of Victory by COL Steve Patarcity as Published by Center for Military of Military History

Margin of Victory “Margin of Victory: Five Battles that Changed the Face of Modern Warfare” by Douglas Macgregor.  Naval Institute Press. 2016, Hardcover, 268 pages, $34.95. “Margin of Victory” is about change, intelligently and soberly recognizing the need for that change regardless of preconceived notions and the consequences of failing to do so.  Each of …

Patrick Buchanan: We Cannot Win a War Today for Two Reasons – Our $4 Trillion Gift to China and Our $7 Trillion Quagmire in the Middle East…

Can U.S. fight 2 cold wars at once? Pat Buchanan: ‘We have, for decades, been financing the buildup of a Communist China’ How did the United States, triumphant in the Cold War, find itself beset on so many fronts? First, by intervening militarily and repeatedly in a Mideast where no vital U.S. interest was imperiled, …

R. Evan Ellis: The Impact of China on the Latin American Security Environment

The Impact of China on the Latin American Security Environment To frame the nature of China’s impacts on the Latin America and Caribbean security environment, it is important to understand that the rise of the PRC is simultaneously affecting the region in multiple interdependent ways, often indirect and unintentional. These include altering its economic structure, …