Gordon Duff: Update on Advanced Weapons Into Syria

“Doomsday Weapons To Syria”: Putin Russian Advanced Weapons for Syria: Unrevealed Secrets of Vladimir Putin’s Recent Visit to London [Editors Note: We had reported earlier that when the Israelis used an American made mini-nuke bunker buster in the Damascus attack that they had crossed Russia ‘quiet red line’ of using a tactical nuke against an …

Chuck Spinney: Imperial Idiocy Wrecks Middle East (Fruits of Treason) — End of Sykes-Picot Betrayal, Five Inter-Mixed Conflicts, Return of the Tribes

Patrick Cockburn has written a very important essay on Syria in the London Review of Books (attached below).  The essay is aptly titled but has only a few oblique, albeit important, references to Sykes – Picot Agreement, a document some readers may not familiar with.  Let’s begin with a little background. The Sykes-Picot agreement (it …

Eagle: Toward the Internet of Pro-Active Hand-Held Sensors

This new app turns iPhones into a handheld biosensor equivalent to $50,000 lab unit This portable biosensor is capable of detecting viruses, bacteria, proteins, toxins, and other specific modules, and takes just a few minutes to process, which could greatly speed up in-the-field assessments of issues as diverse as groundwater contamination, medical diagnostics, mapping the …

Reinhold Muufstfasta: Cannabis in Alchemical Literature: Green Lion, Philosopher’s Stone

A compilation of historical reflections on cannabis in alchemical literature. – – – – – – – – – – – Three things suffice for the work: a white smoke, which is water; a green Lion, which is the ore of Hermes, and a fetid water… The stone, known from the chapters of books, is …

John Maquire: One Year Away from Global Food Riots + US Food Fraud RECAP

We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say What’s the number one reason we riot? The plausible, justifiable motivations of trampled-upon humanfolk to fight back are many—poverty, oppression, disenfranchisement, etc—but the big one is more primal than any of the above. It’s hunger, plain and simple. If there’s a single …

Search: phd topics on the role of intelligence in peace support operation + Peacekeeping RECAP

Had to Stop.  WordPress Cannot Handle So Many Links, and Entire Phi Beta Iota Site is About Peace and Prosperity Through Intelligence with Integrity.  Links Below Line Estimated 25% of Relevant Links Across all 12,000+ Posts. Excellent search and badly needed PhD thesis that could “write the book” on the role of intelligence in support …

SchwartzReport: Growing Global Challenge to Monsanto GMO Greed

I take this to be good news about bad news. Finally, the reality of Monsanto is beginning to be understood. There is nothing new here; it will all be familiar to regular SR readers. (See: The Great Experiment: Genetically Modified Organisms, Scientific Integrity, and National Wellness.   But this essay puts it all into one …