Journal: Sam Adams and WikiLeaks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2010 4:00 PM CONTACT: Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167 Ex-Intelligence Officers, Others See Plusses in WikiLeaks Disclosures WASHINGTON – December 7 – The following statement was released today, signed by Daniel Ellsberg, Frank Grevil, Katharine Gun, David MacMichael, Ray McGovern, Craig …

Journal: Marcus Aurelius with a Mixed Bag…

Hoyer: “Military Should Share Fed Civs’ Sacrifice” ( In reaction to the president’s announcement, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) quickly said the freeze should also extend to troops in uniform. Throw the WikiBook at them (Washington Post) …however quaint that term may seem. We are at war – a hot war in Afghanistan where …

Journal: Two Denied Area Intelligence Failures

The first of two on IC failures….as if we didn’t need any more proof.  DefDog Reports indicate China’s fifth generation jet fighter rollout far ahead of U.S. intel projections, December 1, 2010 Chinese military Internet reports indicate that China may roll out its first fifth generation fighter as early as this month, far earlier …

Review (Guest): Failure of Intelligence–The Decline and Fall of the CIA

Mel Goodman 5.0 out of 5 stars Tough Love for CIA, March 6, 2008< Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews This is an astonishingly well balanced book that while deeply critical of CIA and its senior management also credits its strengths and successes. The author, Melvin Goodman, spent some 34 years as …