Tom Atlee: National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation

Dear friends, I don’t usually present another organization’s fundraiser in the middle of our Co-Intelligence Institute fundraiser, but this is an exception I feel strongly about. Generating real wisdom together – not just knowledge and resources (as valuable as these are) – requires talking together.  Furthermore, vast domains of our humanity flourish and deepen through …

Tom Atlee: Bacteria–and Human Intelligence

Bacteria — and the intelligence of individuals and collectives Collective intelligence is not an abstraction.  It is a real-world emergent phenomenon — a phenomenon that ranges from collective stupidity to collective brilliance.  It arises from interactions among entities in shared situations.  Collective intelligence — of any quality — can just happen, or it can be …

Tom Atlee: Global Interdependence Movements Et Al

GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS, DECLARATIONS AND DAYS by Tom Atlee It is so good to celebrate INdependence Days in the United States and the many other countries that have successfully gained and defended their independence from colonial rule. For countries as well as individuals, independence is a dramatic move from dependence into a more self-defined, self-created …