Tom Atlee: Occupation Catalytic Butterfly

Tom-Atlee’s posterous Random Communications from an Evolutionary Edge Occupation Catalytic Butterfly Along with a lot of other people, I’ve been wondering what’s going on with Occupy Wall Street. Although it obviously shares energy with the Wisconsin occupation and Arab Spring, its mix of persistence and lack of demands makes it a puzzle, dragging it right …

Tom Atlee: Diebold Voting Machines Can Be Hacked Remotely–ONE THIRD of All Votes Can Be Easily Manipulated

This kind of information should be spread as fast as possible. – Tom Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control Exclusive: A laboratory shows how an e-voting machine used by a third of all voters can be easily manipulated Brad Friedman, Salon, 27 September 2011 It could be one of the most disturbing …

Tom Atlee: Whole System Conversations – Voice of the Whole

Whole System Conversations – and the Voice of the Whole WHO PARTICIPATES IN “WHOLE SYSTEM” CONVERSATIONS? – PARTISANS, STAKEHOLDERS, DOMAINS, AND CITIZENS by Tom Atlee Consciously convened conversations have many functions. Many seek simply to get people talking with each other. Others try to bring together what they call “the whole system” to address that …

Tom Atlee: Citizen Deliberations – Chart and Options

Dear Friends I am quite excited about the progress that has been made in various citizen political participation proposals. All of these clearly have tremendous potential and the articulations of their rationales are becoming quite compelling. With such innovative deliberative democracy proposals, I want them to be thought through well beforehand, engaging a variety of …

Tom Atlee: Making Wise Decisions on Public Issues

Dear friends, I have worked for several months to develop the ideas in this article and to articulate them in an accessible way.  They are fundamental understandings underlying the co-intelligence vision of a wiser democracy. If the ideas intrigue you, you can find a longer version with more detailed guidelines and references online.  I wrote …

Tom Atlee: Citizens Panel Cuts 2.2 Trillion in One Hour

Dear friends, The 160-person British Columbian Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform took every other weekend for a year to research and reach consensus on the best method for their province’s election process. The fourteen citizens in a Danish Consensus Conference take several weekends over several months to learn about their assigned technical issue and come …